like winter’s bare trees
waiting for the worst to pass
ever resilient
Author: strude
haiku 27
winter woods empty
bare trees stabbing grey, waiting
for summer’s fullness
Where’s He Been
What I’ve been wonderin’ is, where’s he been?
Get Shorty
Right here. About to get a new job. Passing kidney stones. Watching two more kids graduate high school. Regretting a decision that is taking up all my free time and making me hate life.
You know, the usual.
haiku 26
the wrath of some god
stabbing, burning, killing me–
goddamn kidney stone
haiku 25
the well has gone dry-
even shit’s hard to come by
in shitty haiku
haiku 24
this is work not church
I don’t care about your god
nor your fairy tales
haiku 23
hawk circles, searches,
waits for its sweet, just reward-
another friday
haiku 22
was so good before,
since pandemic not so much-
the clock is ticking
haiku 21
once again, morons
no, X does not equal Y
same shit diff’rent day
haiku 20
rivers in a drought
cannot find what will not come-
so very tired